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From: Suzann Nymann Pedersen - Country: DK

Ancora due volte in una settimana.........potremmo mangiare quí ogni sera della settimana.......AMIAMO stare da voi......e torneremo di sicuro per il settimo anno......A fra poco :-)

Posted on: 21-Nov-2014@16:47:11

From: Zoltan Mathe - Country: RO

Sono stato una sola volta nel ristorante, devo pero raccontarlo a tutti gli amici che vanno a Roma. Oltre a ristorante, sembra una visita in casa di amici. Spero di avere ancora la possibilita di approfittare di questa accoglienza. Grazie per tutto!

Posted on: 16-Aug-2014@09:37:35

From: Carla Burchartz - Country: NL

2 times dinner and one time lunch this week. Sunday 25 May. Tuesday 27 May at 20.30 Reservation Mrs. B. Now back in the Netherlands and missing this great food. Fabulous restaurant. Quality food. Fantastic Service. Forever in my heart.

Posted on: 31-May-2014@19:25:47

From: Carla Burchartz - Country: NL

We went to Rome three times in the last 5 years. Last time was 2 years ago. Last week we were in Romde again and instantly recognized and warm welcome. All our Friends and family who are planning a trip to Rome we advise them all to eat here. Good quality, fresh and very reasonable prices. For me there is not a better restaurant in Rome than yours. Thanks.

Posted on: 31-May-2014@18:39:28

From: stefano j messina - Country: US

I first went to Alle Fratte in 1995. I was living in Rome and some friends and I had reservations at another restaurant nearby. Our cab driver accidently dropped us off in front of Alle Fratte where Francesco comes walking out and in his bad English says to us "we're open, come on in". He gave us directions to the restaurant where we had the reservation however I appreciated Francesco's enthusiasm so much that after walking 100 meters we turned around and ate at Alle Fratte. It's been family ever since. A true Roman dining experience

Posted on: 09-May-2014@16:57:51

From: Kico - Country: ES

Thank You for all! In your restaurant, I had the oportunity to taste the best pizza & pasta in my life! And thanks to Felice! for being a so nice person. Delicious! Good relationship! Homely! Cheap! ALL IN ONE! Thank You!

Posted on: 12-Dec-2013@23:58:58

From: Esper Boel - Country: DK

This restaurant is the top restaurant among the small and very pleasant family operated restaurants in Trastevere. During a week in November we had dinner here several times and always to discover excellent cuisine at fair and reasonable prices. Highly recommended for Trastevere and for Rome as well, actually.

Posted on: 26-Apr-2013@13:33:26

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